Saving on residentials

Saving on Residentials

by: Educational Visits

3 Minute Read

We are all aware of the implications of rising costs on access to residentials. The following suggestions are ways that schools could reduce the costs of residentials and therefore increase accessibility.

  • Keep it local – does the visit need to start with a long coach journey? Is there a local residential base that could reduce travel time (and cost)?
  • Public Transport – make the journey part of the residential using group travel rates by bus and train wherever possible. Could you turn your residential into an expedition and even walk?
  • Keep it focussed – be explicit about the outcomes you want from your visit so you can get the maximum from your time and learning is a key focus for your experience, or could the residential be shorter?
  • Winter Residentials – moving your residential away from the traditional summer or even into the winter can lower costs but keep or even increase the impacts and learning for children. An opportunity to experience “dark skies” or realise there is “no such thing as bad weather” can be priceless!
  • Think outside the box – residentials and sleepovers can be held at all sorts of locations from the school buildings to museums, observatories and aquariums.
  • A city break – considering cities other than London with good transport links opens up new museums, cultural experiences and landmarks. How about Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Edinburgh?
  • Follow the money – many organisations and charities may offer bursaries and assistance for pupils to develop their learning. Trusts for village schools, urban support funds and business organisations could be possibilities.
  • Pupil Premium and PE and Sports premium- these can be used to subsidise or fully pay for the cost of a residential, not just for classroom support.
  • Fundraise your Residential – engage the whole group and families in raising funds to reduce the costs for everyone. Across the world sausage sizzles, race nights and sponsored events are the norm.
  • Do-It-Yourself – Consider running some or all of your residential in-house. Booking a whole hostel and then self-catering could reduce costs and build skills if the students can help out. Do you have the competence to plan and deliver your own activities rather than using an instructor? How about a hybrid model buying experts for the areas needed most?