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Level 2 MTB Leadership Assessment

13 July
Day 1: 13 July 2024 | 09:00am – 17:00pm

One-day Practical and written assessment with a British Cycling accredited provider.

The assessment is to be booked once you’ve had enough time to hone the skills and knowledge you have obtained on your training day. The maximum time to complete your award is 18months.

You will be assessed on topics such as planning and delivery of rides, leading techniques for effective group management, map reading and navigation, management of accidents and emergencies, equipment set-up, trailside repairs and core mountain bike techniques.

To attend the training course you must:

Have completed the 2 day Level 2 Training Course.
Have logged additional experience

In order for your award to be accredited you are required to:

hold British Cycling Membership of Ride level or above.
attend and evidence a two-day outdoor First Aid course
undergo and evidence safeguarding training appropriate to the country they are leading in.

These can occur after your course, but your award will only be provided on receipt and acceptance of these.

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East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre


North Yorkshire Outdoor Learning Service
01609 797777
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